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Hawaii shade coffee-guide-coverEvaluation of Hawai'i Coffee Agroforestry Systems 2007-2009

The ecological and economic benefits of shade-grown coffee agroforestry systems have been recognized for many years throughout the tropics, but have been little studied in Hawai‘i. Over the past few years, innovative farmers in Kona and elsewhere in Hawai‘i have begun experimenting with shade-grown coffee. These farmers and others considering coffee agroforestry are in need of technical assistance based on research.

This project studied twelve existing shade-grown coffee orchards and compared them with open-grown coffee based on soil organic matter, major insect pests and plant diseases, yield and bean quality, and environmental conditions (shade levels, tree density, plant species present, etc.). We expect that shade-grown coffee has potential for wider adoption.

Download the 22-page project report (2.75 MB, PDF)

The ecological and economic benefits of shade-grown coffee agroforestry systems have been recognized for many years throughout the tropics, but have been little studied in Hawai'i. Innovative farmers in Kona and elsewhere in Hawai'i have begun experimenting with shade-grown coffee for years. We expect that shade-grown coffee has potential for wider adoption. Watch Kona coffee farmers talk about their shade-grown coffee systems.